AskEARN | EARN Newsletter: July 2024 Skip to main content

EARN Newsletter: July 2024

Celebrating Disability Pride, the ADA, and More!

EARN in Action

Supporting Digital Accessibility in the Workplace

New Resource! When organizations in both the public and private sectors consider the experiences of disabled applicants and employees, they can create a truly accessible and inclusive environment. EARN’s new resource, “Supporting Digital Accessibility in the Public and Private Sectors,” explores research-based strategies and promising practices that help organizations enhance digital accessibility.

Accessing Talent Through Partnerships

New Resource! To effectively build a pipeline of applicants with disabilities, employers should collaborate with organizations. One example is CVS Health’s Abilities in Abundance program. EARN’s new resource, “Accessing Talent Through Partnerships: A Playbook,” shares adaptable and replicable strategies for employers to use when designing similar disability-inclusive recruitment programs.

Honoring the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Signed into law on July 26, 1990, the ADA is a landmark piece of civil rights legislation that ensures people with disabilities are included in all aspects of community life, including employment. Celebrate the 34th anniversary of this monumental day by learning more with EARN!

Celebrating Disability Pride

This July, we also celebrate Disability Pride Month to honor the disability rights movement and experiences of people with disabilities. It is a time to celebrate the disability community’s accomplishments and recognize the value disabled people bring to the workplace and our society. Learn why disability inclusion in the workplace matters with EARN!

Disability Employment in the News

Addressing Mental Health and Minority Mental Health

Mental health conditions are prevalent in marginalized communities and can be compounded by intersecting identities such as race, ethnicity, and disability. In her article “Addressing the Needs of Disabled Workers with Intersecting Marginalized Identities,” Oklahoma State Representative Ajay Pittman explains that addressing this disparity requires a multifaceted approach. Check out page 23 of the Summer 2024 edition of The Legislator magazine published by the National Black Caucus of State Legislators for Rep. Pittman’s perspective on supporting employees’ mental health.

Championing Inclusion and Success

National Geographic celebrates Disability Pride Month by highlighting how countries around the world are improving access to opportunities for disabled people. What’s more, the collection of resources features a video showcasing disabled lawyers, adventurers, actresses, and athletes who achieved success in their fields.

Looking at Access Through a Wider Lens

The Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) and the Department of Labor overall are committed to increasing employment opportunities for people with disabilities—the “unfinished business” of the ADA. How? By looking at access through a wider lens to increase access to workplace accommodations, accessible technology, mental health supports in the workplace, and more for all disabled workers in America. Celebrate the anniversary of the ADA by looking through this lens to consider how your organization can strengthen our workforce!


Q: This Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, I am looking for ways to support the mental health of my employees from underserved communities. Can EARN help?

A: Of course! Supporting employees’ mental health needs, especially those from marginalized communities is important. EARN’s publication “Supporting the Mental Health of Employees from Underserved Communities” provides guidance and recommendations for employers based on insights gathered from employees with intersecting identities, such as those with disabilities who are also members of underserved communities.

Browse the Publication

Employer Spotlight

Comcast logo

Broadcasting Disability Inclusion

Committed to providing accessible technology to all customers, including those with disabilities, Comcast Corporation explains, “TV is universal. Access should be as well.” The company adopts the same inclusive values across its employment practices. Comcast’s approach is based on three key elements: building an inclusive talent pipeline, cultivating an inclusive workplace environment, and ensuring equal access to the tools, information, and supports employees need to succeed.

The content in this newsletter does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

Mark Your Calendar

August 8, 2024, 2:00-3:30 p.m. ET

Webinar: New Accessibility Self-Assessment for Arts and Culture Organizations

Open Door Arts, a foundation dedicated to improving access and expanding participation for disabled people in the arts, developed a comprehensive electronic accessibility self-assessment tool for arts and culture organizations. Hosted by the ADA National Network, review the purpose of this tool, how it was developed, and how to use it during this informative webinar.

Register for Open Door Arts’ presentation.

August 5-8, 2024

Conference: 2024 DMEC Annual Conference

The Disability Management Employer Coalition (DMEC), a member of EARN’s Inclusion@Work Leadership Council, is hosting a four-day event in Nashville, Tennessee to offer leave management professionals valuable opportunity to connect and learn.

Register for DMEC’s 2024 Annual Conference.

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