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For Employers



A Joint Resolution or Executive Order to Encourage States to be Model Employers of People with Disabilities

A resource for states to learn about crafting a Joint Resolution/Executive Order to increase disability inclusion.

Absence and Disability Management Policies

Learn more about employee absenteeism, its causes and how to manage it. 

Accessible and Authentic Interviews for Candidates with Disabilities

Learn how to ensure your organization's interview process is accessible and welcoming to candidates with disabilities.

Accessing Talent Through Partnerships: A Playbook

This playbook shares strategies used to develop and launch successful collaborations, to build an inclusive talent pipeline prepared for successful careers at CVS Health.

Adding Accessibility to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Initiatives

Learn about the important role accessibility plays in ensuring DEI efforts are inclusive of people with disabilities.

Adopting an Integrated Telework Policy for Employees With and Without Disabilities

This policy brief provides a framework for adopting an integrated telework policy that is inclusive of all employees, including people with disabilities. 

Advancing & Retaining Federal Employees with Disabilities—The Case for Centralized Accommodation Programs & Funding

This policy brief explores guidance regarding the advancement and retention of employees with disabilities and the benefits of a centralized accommodation program.

Artificial Intelligence and Facilitation of Employment Opportunities for People with Disabilities

Learn about the use of artificial intelligence (AI) as an effective tool to make it easier to recruit, hire, retain and advance people with disabilities. 

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Building a Disability-Inclusive Culture: Managers Make All the Difference

Learn more about important topics to include in manager disability inclusion training.

Building a Talent Pipeline

Learn about key steps in building a talent pipeline that includes people with disabilities.

Business Benefits: The Positive Impacts of Disability Inclusion

Learn about the many benefits of recruiting, hiring, retaining, and advancing people with disabilities.

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Caregiving and Workplace Flexibility

Workplace flexibility may be particularly beneficial for employees who are family caregivers. Read this issue brief to learn more.

Centralized Accommodation Programs (CAP) in Practice

This checklist provides an overview of the essential components of a centralized accommodation program.

Checklist for Employers: Facilitating the Hiring of People with Disabilities Through the Use of eRecruiting Screening Systems, Including AI

Use this checklist to evaluate your organization's contracts with vendors who provide eRecruiting screening tools.

Checklist: Health Care Plans that Support Mental Health

Use this checklist to assess your organization's health care plan and ensure it is mental health-friendly.

Communicating the Benefits of Self-Identification: Five Steps to Success

Learn the five steps to success to communicate the benefits of self-identification of disability.

Company Website Disability Inclusion Messaging: Observations of Job Seekers with Disabilities

Learn about the outcomes of focus groups with job seekers with disabilities regarding website content and messaging.

Covid-19 and Job Applicants and Employees with Disabilities: Emerging Practices to Employ and Protect Workers

This policy brief explores issues related to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Covid-19 and Performance Management of Employees with Disabilities: Findings from a Focus Group of NILG Members

Learn about issues related to performance management and people with disabilities during the pandemic.

Covid-19 and Remote Hiring of People with Disabilities: Findings from a Focus Group of NILG Members

Learn about issues related to remote hiring of people with disabilities during the pandemic.

Covid-19 and Remote Work: Findings from a Focus Group of NILG Members

Learn about issues related to remote work during the pandemic and people with disabilities.

Covid-19 and Training and Advancing Employees with Disabilities: Findings from a Focus Group of NILG Members

Learn about issues related to training and advancement of people with disabilities during the pandemic.

Creating a Disability-Inclusive Workplace: The Role of Accommodations (Learning Guide)

Learn about the important role accommodations play in creating inclusive workplaces.

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Developing Effective Collaborations & Partnerships to Advance the Employment of Individuals with Disabilities in the Federal Sector

Explore strategies that improve collaboration and communication between employees with disabilities and managers in the federal sector.  

Digital Accessibility: Driving Disability Inclusion in the Workplace (Learning Guide)

Learn how digital accessibility helps support workplace disability inclusion.

Disability Inclusion: Exploring the Intersections

Learn more about the intersections of disability and LGBTQI+ inclusion. 

Disability Outreach and Inclusion Messaging: Assessment Checklist for Career Pages

Learn how to ensure your organization's career pages are using messaging and outreach techniques that are inclusive of and welcoming to job candidates with disabilities.

Disability-Inclusive COVID-19 Workplace Health and Safety Plans

This policy brief explores components of disability-inclusive COVID-19 health and safety plans.

Disability-Inclusive Workplace Culture: Building it to Last (Learning Guide)

Find out how to ensure your organization is inclusive of and welcoming to people with disabilities.

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Encouraging Applicants with Disabilities: Job Descriptions and Announcements (Checklist Explainer)

Find tips for writing accessible job announcements and descriptions.

Encouraging Applicants with Disabilities: Job Descriptions and Announcements (Checklist)

Use this tool to review your organization's job descriptions and announcements for accessibility.

Encouraging Employees with Disabilities to Self-Identify

Explore six tips for encouraging self-identification of disability.

Engaging Employees to Measure Success: Innovative Approaches to Encouraging Self-Identification of Disability

This guide explores strategies for encouraging applicants and employees to voluntarily self-identify as having a disability and effective ways to promote self-identification throughout your organization.

Equity in Workplace Flexibility

Learn about the importance of ensuring your organization’s workplace flexibility policies are equitable for all employees.

Establishing and Maintaining Successful Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)

This toolkit offers information on how to start, implement and maintain disability-focused ERGs to support your organization's diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA) efforts.

Expanding Your Talent Pool: Disability Inclusion in Advanced Manufacturing (Learning Guide)

Explore the "Seven Steps to Success for Disability Inclusion in Advanced Manufacturing."

Exploring the Possibilities: Disability-Inclusive Hybrid Work Models

Learn about developing and implementing hybrid work models that are equitable and accessible for all employees, including people with disabilities.

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Federal Agency Disability Practices and Employee Outcomes

Learn about strategies to increase employment of people with disabilities in federal agencies. 

Federal Agency Employment Strategies: A Framework for Disability Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (2022 Edition)

Explore legal and regulatory requirements, strategies and practices to increase federal employment of people with disabilities and ensure they are included as part of federal agencies' diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA) efforts.

Federal Agency Promising and Emerging Practices Facilitating Self-Identification of Disability

Learn strategies to encourage federal employees with disabilities to self-identify as having a disability.

Federal Government as a Model Employer of People with Disabilities: Research-Based Practices and Strategies

Explore research-based strategies to ensure people with disabilities are included as part of federal agency diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA) efforts.

Federal Hiring Authorities from a Disability Perspective

Learn about federal hiring authorities that support federal agency efforts to hire people with disabilities.

Fostering Disability-Inclusive Workplaces Through Employee Resource Groups

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are considered an exemplary practice that businesses can leverage to foster a culture of inclusion. This factsheet explores how ERGs can benefit employees and employers alike.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Schedule A Excepted Service Hiring Authority for People with Disabilities

Find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about using the federal Schedule A Excepted Service hiring authorities to support employment of people with disabilities.

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Hiring and Supporting Neurodivergent Workers: Strategies for Success (Learning Guide)

Read the companion piece to EARN's webinar “Hiring and Supporting Neurodivergent Workers: Strategies for Success,” which took place on August 17, 2022, to learn about strategies employers can use to attract, retain and advance neurodivergent workers.

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Impact of COVID-19 on Employee Mental Health and the Experiences of Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Professionals

Explore this research-to-practice brief to learn how employers used employee assistance programs (EAPs) to support worker mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Including Disability in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Priorities: Building A Maturity Model

Explore this research-based tool to learn about steps you can take to ensure disability is included in your organization’s diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA) plan. 

Increasing Disability Inclusion: Centralized Accommodation Programs as a Best Practice

Learn how centralized accommodation programs (CAPs) consolidate accommodation services and funding to improve outcomes for workers with disabilities.

Interns with Disabilities: Maximizing the Internship Experience

Explore four components of a successful internship program for students with disabilities. 

Intersectionality in the Workplace

Learn how factors like race, gender, sexuality, economic status, education level, and disability status can impact an employee’s point of view and workplace experience.

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Lead the Way: Merck's Inclusive Business Culture

Learn how Merck is supporting employee mental health.

Leveraging the Shift to Remote Work to Increase Employment of People with Disabilities

This practice brief reviews the opportunities and benefits that telework presents for people with disabilities. 

Long COVID, Disability, and Underserved Communities: Recommendations for Employers

Learn more about the impacts of Long COVID on employment, especially for people with disabilities and other underserved groups.

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Mental Health and Wellness in the Workplace (Learning Guide)

Find effective strategies for supporting workplace mental health.

Mentally Healthy Workplaces Checklist

This checklist reviews the 4 A's of a mental health-friendly workplace.  

Mentoring Student Interns with Disabilities

Find ideas for being a supportive mentor for interns with disabilities.

Mentoring as a Disability Inclusion Strategy

Learn how mentoring programs can help improve employee satisfaction, develop organizational leadership and teach new skills.

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Navigating Mental Health in Skilled Trade and Industrial Occupations (Learning Guide)

Learn about the importance of supporting the mental health of skilled trade and industrial professionals at work.

Neurodiversity Inclusion: Checklist for Organizational Success

This checklist summarizes some of the lessons learned from successful neurodiversity hiring programs.

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Online Recruitment of and Outreach to People with Disabilities: Research-Based Practices

This document summarizes results of a literature review on effective strategies for recruiting people with disabilities. 

Organization-Wide Accessibility: Everyone Plays a Part (Learning Guide)

Learn how employees at all levels can participate in creating and sustaining their organization’s accessibility plan.

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Partnerships to Build Your Talent Pipeline

Learn about the important role partnerships play in identifying candidates with disabilities and how to collaborate effectively with key community organizations.

Planning Accessible ERG Events

Learn how to make sure events held by your organization's employee resource groups (ERGs) are accessible for all employees.

Planning an Accessible Career Fair or Hiring Event

This checklist covers how to ensure online or in-person career fairs are accessible for everyone.

Planning an Accessible Meeting or Event

This checklist outlines steps to take to ensure the accessibility of online or in-person meetings or events.

Planning an Accessible Training

This checklist helps organizations plan trainings that are accessible for employees with disabilities.

Professional Development and Advancement of Employees with Disabilities

The research brief explores effective strategies for retaining and advancing employees with disabilities. 

Putting Research into Practice: Online Outreach Strategies for Attracting Job Seekers with Disabilities

This research-to-practice brief explores how targeted online outreach to job candidates with disabilities is an effective talent strategy.

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Retaining Valued Employees with Disabilities: The Importance of Performance Coaching and Management (Learning Guide)

Learn about effective strategies to ensure you are engaging employees with disabilities in meaningful dialogues about workplace performance. 

Review of Community College-Employer Partnerships and Initiatives: Expanding Opportunities for Job Seekers with Disabilities

Learn how partnerships between community colleges and employers can help expand job opportunities for people with disabilities.

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Schedule A Excepted Service Hiring Authority for People with Disabilities

Learn about using the federal Schedule A Excepted Service hiring authorities to advance employment of people with disabilities in the federal sector.

Service and Emotional Support Animals in the Workplace: What Federal Employers Should Know

Learn about rules, regulations and strategies related to use of service animals by federal employees with disabilities. 

Supporting Digital Accessibility in the Public and Private Sectors

Explore strategies that have been identified by research as promising practices to help ensure digital accessibility in organizations.

Supporting Employee Mental Health and Well-Being (Learning Guide)

Find out why an individualized approach is an important part of promoting workplace mental health.

Supporting Employees with Long COVID: A Guide for Employers

This guide developed by EARN and the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) provides information and resources to help employers support employees with Long COVID.

Supporting the Mental Health of Employees from Underserved Communities

Learn how employers can support the mental health of employees from underserved communities.

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Talking About Inclusion@Work: Be Tech Savvy: Accessible Information and Communication Technology

Learn about the role of accessible information and communications technology (ICT) plays in disability inclusion.

Talking About Inclusion@Work: Build the Pipeline: Outreach and Recruitment

Learn about proactive outreach and recruitment of people with disabilities. 

Talking About Inclusion@Work: Ensure Productivity: Reasonable Accommodations

Learn how job accommodations help ensure workplace inclusion of people with disabilities.

Talking About Inclusion@Work: Hire (and Keep) the Best

Learn how hiring and retaining employees with disabilities supports workplace diversity and inclusion.

Talking About Inclusion@Work: Lead the Way: Inclusive Business Culture

Learn strategies for building a disability-inclusive workplace culture.

Talking About Inclusion@Work: Measure Success: Accountability and Self-Identification

Learn how to measure the success of your organization's disability inclusion efforts. 

Telework in Action: A Disability Inclusion Practice Whose Time Has Come (Learning Guide)

Find out how remote work supports workplace disability inclusion.

Transportation and Workplace Flexibility

Find out how workplace flexibility benefits employees who face barriers getting to and from work.

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Workplace Mental Health Literature Review

Learn about strategies that help support employee well-being.

Workplace Mentoring Playbook

Offers strategies, tools and activities for employers and employees interested in establishing mentoring relationships.

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