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You searched for ‘retention’.

EARN 2023 Think Tank: Summary Report

Explore the overall key takeaways, policy ideas, and directions for the future from EARN's virtual Think Tank, “Transforming HR Through Innovative Disability-Inclusive Policies and Practices.”

EARN 2023 Think Tank: Hiring in Practice

“Transforming Human Resources (HR) Through Innovative Disability-Inclusive Policies and Practices” participants identified challenges to inclusive hiring and potential solutions to address them.

Learning Guide: Supporting the Mental Well-Being of Gen Z Workers

Learn how employers can create a supportive and mental health-friendly workplace for all workers, including “Gen Z” workers.

Transforming HR Through Innovative Disability-Inclusive Policies and Practices: Think Tank

Think Tank participants worked to reimagine traditional human resources (HR) policies and practices to be more inclusive of people with disabilities, including those with multiple marginalized identities.

EARN Newsletter: June 2024

Chatting with Experts and More!

Supporting Employees with Substance Use Disorder (SUD): A Guide for Employers

This guide, developed by EARN and the Job Accommodation Network (JAN), provides information and resources to help employers develop recovery-ready workplace (RRW) policies and address substance use in their workforce.

Advocate Aurora Health: Securing Talent through Inclusive Interviews

Find out how Advocate Aurora Health’s skills based hiring initiative has created a pipeline for hiring disabled people.

Workplace Mentoring Playbook

Offers strategies, tools and activities for employers and employees interested in establishing mentoring relationships.

Mentoring as a Disability Inclusion Strategy

Learn how mentoring programs can help improve employee satisfaction, develop organizational leadership and teach new skills.

Fostering Disability-Inclusive Workplaces Through Employee Resource Groups

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are considered an exemplary practice that businesses can leverage to foster a culture of inclusion. This factsheet explores how ERGs can benefit employees and employers alike.

Summary of Section 501 Rule, As Amended (2017), Requiring Affirmative Action for People With Disabilities in the Federal Government

This EARN policy brief reviews the Rehabilitation Act Section 501 final rule. 

Talking About Inclusion@Work: Hire (and Keep) the Best

Learn how hiring and retaining employees with disabilities supports workplace diversity and inclusion.

Watlow: Turning up the Heat on Disability Inclusion

Employer Case Study: Learn how an electrical manufacturing company is benefitting from workplace disability-inclusion.

Disability Management Employer Coalition: Leveraging Remote Work to Support Workers During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic

Employer Case Study: Learn how DMEC's remote work policies support disability inclusion. 

Deloitte: Retaining a High Performing Employee Through Workplace Accommodations

Employer Case Study: Learn how a small monetary investment helped a high performing employee return to work after developing a physical disability.

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