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You searched for ‘federal employment’.

PepsiCo: Every Mind Enabled

Employer Case Study: Learn about PepsiCo's efforts to create more diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible workplaces and support employee mental health and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Video Case Study: Accommodating and Retaining Teachers with Disabilities

Simple accommodations can help schools retain and advance teachers with disabilities, fostering an inclusive culture.

EARN Newsletter: October 2023

Celebrating NDEAM and More!

Microsoft: Preparing Recruiters to Interview Job Candidates with Disabilities

Employer Case Study: Learn why manager training is an important step in preparing for workplace disability inclusion efforts.

Comcast: Broadcasting the Benefits of Disability Inclusion

Employer Case Study: Learn about Comcast's disability inclusion efforts.

MetLife: Recruiting Interns with Disabilities Through Community Partnership

Employer Case Study: Find out about using internships to increase workplace diversity.

Prudential: Recruiting and Supporting Interns with Disabilities

Employer Case Study: Learn why pairing interns with disabilities with company employee resource group (ERG) members help ensure inclusion.

Manpower: Building the Pipeline for a Disability-Inclusive Workplace

Employer Case Study: Learn how partnering with state and local agencies and community-based organizations lead to a more diverse talent pool for Manpower's clients.

Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) Video Case Study

Learn about OSHA's role in helping employers keep American workplaces safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ensure Productivity: Reasonable Accommodations

Learn about a basic element of workplace inclusion. 

Creating an Accessible and Welcoming Workplace

Learn more about all of the elements of accessibility in the workplace.


Internships are an effective strategy for ensuring disability diversity in the workplace.  

4As: Build AWARENESS and a Supportive Culture

Learn about strategies for spreading awareness about mental health issues and ensuring a supportive workplace culture.

4As: Ensure ACCESS to Treatment

Learn about strategies for supporting worker mental health and well-being through access to treatment.

Learn about Successful Programs

Learn more about effective workplace mental health programs. 

Small Business Toolkit: Advance Workers with Disabilities

Explore strategies to help small businesses effectively advance people with disabilities.

Unconscious Bias in the Workplace

Learn more about how bias can impact the workplace.

REI: Navigating Inclusion through Innovative Partnerships

Employer Case Study: Learn about the important role partnerships play in meeting workforce needs.

EY: Embedding Accessibility throughout the Enterprise

Employer Case Study: Ensuring digital access for all is important at EY.

Lockheed Martin: Customizing Accommodations Results in Increased Productivity for All

Employer Case Study: Learn how providing customized accommodations for employees with disabilities results in improved productivity at Lockheed Martin.

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