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You searched for ‘mental health’.

Hire (& Keep) the Best: Talent Acquisition & Retention Processes

Learn about effective policies and process for hiring and retaining employees with disabilities as part of overall effort to meet organizational diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) goals.  

Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Rehab Act)

Review the basics of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Neurodiversity Hiring Initiatives & Partnerships

Partnerships can help ensure a talent pipeline for neurodivergent candidates.

Neurodiversity @ Work Employer Roundtable

Learn about organizations working together to identify promising practices for neurodiversity at work.

Neurodiversity in the Workplace Resources

Learn more about neurodiversity in the workplace.


Ensure your organization's interview processes are inclusive of candidates with disabilities.  


Learn more about to combine education and real-world work experience. 

Job Descriptions

Learn about the components of inclusive job descriptions and the role they play in employment of people with disabilities. 

Disabled Veterans

Understand how your organization can benefit from sourcing and recruiting veterans with disabilities. 


Learn how employers can use stay-at-work/return-to-work programs as a retention strategy.

Employer Tax Incentives Available from the Federal Government

Learn more about tax incentives offered by the Federal Government to encourage private employers to hire people with disabilities. 

Person-First and Identity-First Language

Learn more about the use of person-first and identity-first language when communicating about people with disabilities. 

Workers’ Compensation

Understand how workers' compensation programs support retention of your workforce. 

Recruitment in Action: Case Studies

Read about how companies’ efforts to ensure their recruitment processes are inclusive and meet their talent needs.

Inclusive Retention: Applicable Laws & Regulations

Learn about federal laws and regulations that impact employee retention.

Service Provider Resources

Explore resources for service providers supporting employment of people with disabilities.

Job Seeker Resources

Explore resources for job seekers with disabilities.  

Disability Inclusion in Action: Federal Agency Promising Practices

Watch these videos to learn about strategies to support and advance disability inclusion in the federal workforce.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA)

Learn about WIOA, which encourages state and local agencies and employers to work together to identify strategies for meeting workforce needs, including by increasing employment opportunities for people with disabilities.

Accessible Onboarding

Ensure your organization’s onboarding processes are accessible and inclusive for employees with disabilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

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