AskEARN | Small Business Toolkit: Recruit Job Seekers with Disabilities Skip to main content

Small Business Toolkit: Recruit Job Seekers with Disabilities

Explore strategies to help small businesses effectively attract and recruit job seekers with disabilities.

Small businesses can use a variety of strategies to attract and recruit job seekers with disabilities. These strategies may include partnerships with community organizations, messaging and outreach, and accessible recruiting processes such as alternatives to interviews. All these strategies will help your business hire qualified employees.

Establishing Partnerships

Accessible Messaging and Effective Outreach

  • Job Descriptions: This page outlines the components of job descriptions and the role they play in the employment of people with disabilities.
  • Encouraging Applicants with Disabilities: This checklist should be used when developing a job listing. It helps ensure that job descriptions and announcements convey that your company is a supportive and accessible place to work.
  • Branding and Messaging: This page offers strategies to ensure you are communicating a commitment to disability employment in all recruitment materials and across all online platforms.

Accessible Recruiting Processes