Search Results
You searched for ‘advancement’.
Encouraging Self-Identification
Learn more about the role of employers in supporting self-identification.
Finding Candidates with Disabilities
Take proactive steps to recruit job candidates with disabilities.
Service Provider Resources
Explore resources for service providers supporting employment of people with disabilities.
Job Seeker Resources
Explore resources for job seekers with disabilities.
Section 501 Info Center
Explore all aspects of Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act, which provides regulations for federal employment of people with disabilities and inclusion of disabled workers in the Federal Government workforce.
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Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA)
Learn about WIOA, which encourages state and local agencies and employers to work together to identify strategies for meeting workforce needs, including by increasing employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
NILG Info Center: Laws and Regulations for Federal Contractors and Subcontractors
Learn about laws and regulations for federal contractors and subcontractors that relate to employment of people with disabilities.
Transforming HR Through Innovative Disability-Inclusive Policies and Practices
Small Business Toolkit: Retain Employees with Disabilities
Explore strategies to help small businesses effectively retain people with disabilities.
EARN 2023 Think Tank: Summary Report
Explore the overall key takeaways, policy ideas, and directions for the future from EARN's virtual Think Tank, “Transforming HR Through Innovative Disability-Inclusive Policies and Practices.”
Transforming HR Through Innovative Disability Policies and Practices: Think Tank
Think Tank participants worked to reimagine traditional human resources (HR) policies and practices to be more inclusive of people with disabilities.
Supporting Employees with Substance Use Disorder (SUD): A Guide for Employers
This guide, developed by EARN and the Job Accommodation Network (JAN), provides information and resources to help employers develop recovery-ready workplace (RRW) policies and address substance use in their workforce.
Workplace Accommodation and Accessibility Policy: A Disability Employment Toolkit
Explore valuable policy assessment information, actionable steps, sample policies, and resources on accommodations and accessibility in this toolkit developed by EARN and the Job Accommodation Network (JAN).
Section II. Developing an Efficient and Responsive Accommodation Process
Learn about developing an interactive accommodation process, which is essential to disability inclusion, in this section of the Workplace Accommodation and Accessibility Policy Toolkit.
Checklist for Employers: Facilitating the Hiring of People with Disabilities Through the Use of eRecruiting Screening Systems, Including AI
Use this checklist to evaluate your organization's contracts with vendors who provide eRecruiting screening tools.
Workplace Mentoring Playbook
Offers strategies, tools and activities for employers and employees interested in establishing mentoring relationships.
Mentoring as a Disability-Inclusive Employment Strategy
Learn how mentoring programs can help improve employee satisfaction, develop organizational leadership and teach new skills.
Establishing and Maintaining Successful Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)
This toolkit offers information on how to start, implement and maintain disability-focused ERGs.
A Joint Resolution or Executive Order to Encourage States to be Model Employers of People with Disabilities
A resource for states to learn about crafting a Joint Resolution/Executive Order to increase disability inclusion.