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You searched for ‘federal employment’.
Top Results
Federal Agency Disability Practices and Employee Outcomes
Learn about strategies to increase employment of people with disabilities in federal agencies.
NILG Federal Contractor & Subcontractor Compliance Info Center
Information, tools, and resources to help federal contractors and subcontractors comply with regulations and meet disability utilization goals.
Disability Employment in Action: Federal Agency Promising Practices
Watch these videos to learn about strategies to support and advance disability employment in the federal workforce.
Hiring Strategies for Specific Sectors and Industries
Understand special considerations for federal contractors, Federal Government and state government employers, and small businesses for hiring people with disabilities.
State Government Employment
Learn about strategies to help state governments become model employers of people with disabilities.
Additional Results
Employer Tax Incentives Available from the Federal Government
Learn more about tax incentives offered by the Federal Government to encourage private employers to hire people with disabilities.
Section 501 Info Center
Explore all aspects of Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act, which provides regulations for federal employment of people with disabilities and inclusion of disabled workers in the Federal Government workforce.
Establishing and Maintaining Successful Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)
This toolkit offers information on how to start, implement and maintain disability-focused ERGs.
Self-Paced Trainings: Strategies for Disability Employment
Explore EARN's training courses on employment of people with disabilities.
NILG Info Center: Laws and Regulations for Federal Contractors and Subcontractors
Learn about laws and regulations for federal contractors and subcontractors that relate to employment of people with disabilities.
Workplace Accommodation and Accessibility Policy: A Disability Employment Toolkit
Explore valuable policy assessment information, actionable steps, sample policies, and resources on accommodations and accessibility in this toolkit developed by EARN and the Job Accommodation Network (JAN).
Advancement Strategies for Specific Sectors and Industries
Understand special considerations certain employers have related to advancement of people with disabilities.
Section 503 Best Practices for Federal Contractors
Learn about strategies to help federal contractors meet their obligations under Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act and recruit, hire, advance, and retain workers with disabilities.
EARN Partners
EARN's partners are dedicated to advancing people with disabilities in the workforce and workplace.
A commitment to disability employment includes access to opportunities to advance and grow.
4As: Offer Employee ASSISTANCE
Learn about resources to assist employees who have, or may develop, mental health conditions, or substance use disorder.
Partnering with Businesses to Advance Disability Employment: A Guide for Community-Based Organizations and Workforce Development Professionals
Learn how disability and workforce development service providers can work with employers to support employment of people with disabilities.
Expressing a Commitment to Disability Employment
Learn about effective strategies for communicating your organization's commitment to disability employment.
NILG Info Center: Resources
Additional resources to help federal contractors and subcontractors comply with regulations and support employment of people with disabilities.
Employer Financial Incentives
Learn about federal and state tax incentives to encourage hiring of people with disabilities and support workplace accessibility.